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November 2008

Halloween Party

A Halloween party will be held on
Saturday 1st November, 3-5pm.
Fancy dress (children and adults), food and fun games.

Competitions for children:
Make a witch's cat from bits and pieces lying around the house.
Prizes for best fancy dress and best cat.

RNLI Quiz Night

The next RNLI Quiz Night is to be held on Saturday 1st November, from 8pm, at the Pier Restaurant.
Teams of up to 4 people; £ 2.50 per person. Supper and Raffles to follow.

Gym Open Day

Gym Open Day to be held on Sunday 2nd November, 3-5pm, at the Rousay Healthy Living Centre.
Free admission on the day, special offers on session prices (including annual card holders), fun challenges with prizes to be won, and a gym quiz. Advisors will also be on hand to assist.

Gym inductions are free until Sunday 30th November 2008.


There will be a Communion Service on Saturday 8th November, at 11.30am, at the Church Centre.
There will also be a Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 9th November, at 10.55am, at the War Memorial.

Wyre Harvest Home

The annual Wyre Harvest Home will be held on Saturday 8th November.
There will be a bar, raffle and music (by James and his band).
Tickets are £ 6 and £ 4 at the door.
Funds in aid of the Wyre Heritage Centre.
The Eynhallow ferry will depart Rousay for Wyre at 7.15pm. A late boat will depart Wyre for Egilsay at 12.45am and departs Wyre for Rousay and Tingwall at 1.30am. To book the ferry, please telephone Tingwall Office on 01856 751360.

Development Trust meeting

Development Trust meeting to be held at the school, at 10.15am on Saturday 22nd November.


Badminton takes place every Wednesday evening from 7 - 9pm, at the School. Also held on Sunday, 4 - 6pm. It costs just 75p to play. Everyone welcome.

Triangle Club

The weekly Triangle Club is held every Wednesday, from 10am, at the Church Centre.

Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night is on Wednesday 5th November, at Saviskaill. The fire will be lit at 7.30pm. Soup and tatties. Silver collection.
Please Note: Those attending do so at their own risk.

Illustrated Talk

There will be an Illustrated Talk by Sydney Gould of Aberdeen University, on Moths and Butterflies in the Orkney Islands, on Wednesday 12th November, at the Rousay Community School, starting at 8pm.
Admission is free, and all are welcome.

Taversoe Innquizition

The Taversoe Hotel's fortnightly quiz - November's quizzes will be held on Tuesday 4th and 18th, at 8pm.

Domestic Collection

The next Domestic Collection will occur on Tuesday 4th November.

Rousay Harvest Home

Rousay's annual Harvest Home will be held on Saturday 14th November, 7.30 for 8pm, at Rousay Community School.
There will be a bar and raffle. All welcome.
Admission: £ 5 (Adults); £ 3 (Under 16s)


The Orkney Mobile Library will be visiting Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre on Thursday 6th November.

See our Orkney Mobile Library page for more details.


Bingo is to be held at the Church Centre, from 2pm, on Saturday 27th November. Lots of prizes to be won! Everyone welcome.

50/50 Sale

A 50/50 Sale, in aid of the Church Fabric Fund, is to be held at the Church Centre on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th November, from 2-5pm and 7-9pm.
Goods to be taken in on Tuesday 5th November, from 3-5pm.
Please Note: No electrical items please.

This time, sellers must price and label all goods themselves.
1. Please ring Janet (821257) for your unique "customer number" and labels, which should be firmly attached to all your goods, along with the item number and price.
2. Goods must be listed on A4 sheets, with your customer number at the top of each sheet, along with item numbers and prices.
3. Unsold goods to be collected on Saturday 8th, from 2-4pm.
If you require help with transporting your goods, please contact Janet (821257); Liz (821477); or Muriel (821284)