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School raises more funds

Rousay Primary School has raised more than £300 in just over a month.

The annual Christmas concert, held in December, was attended by many on the islands, while local telephone directories, produced by the school, were sold at the event. Commission received from sales through the Webb Ivory Catalogue, also helped to increase the total amount.

Below is a breakdown of the funds raised:

Christmas Concert £134
Telephone Directories £132
Webb Ivory Catalogue £69.81

For those still without the new telephone directory, copies are available to purchase from Marion's Shop, Rousay, for just £2.

Meanwhile, below are some important dates for the school calendar:

22nd January Parent Council meeting (2.15pm)
3rd February Annual Dental Inspection
12th, 13th February School Closed for In-Service Training
23rd February No After-School Club
23rd - 27th February Scholastic Book Fair
5th March Parent Council meeting (2.15pm)
27th March School Closes for Easter Holidays; No After-School Club
14th April School Reopens

12:32 Tues 20/01/2009