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Special Collection Dates for Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre

Orkney Islands Council has announced that there will be Special Collections of bulk domestic items for Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre on Tuesday 17 May 2011 and Tuesday 26 July 2011.

The service enables the collection of bulk items from domestic properties. Items must be pre-booked, by telephoning Orkney Islands Council (01856 873535) - a verbal request to the local refuse collector is not sufficient for this service. Item details must be specified in advance to the Council, with payment made prior to the uplifting.

2011 Prices:

Up to 5 items £12.00 + VAT@20%
6 items or more (up to a full pick-up load) £52.00 + VAT@20%
Lorry load £105.00 + VAT@20%

15:32 12/04/2011