3 x 6kW Wind Turbines


The installation of a 6kW wind turbine on each island within our community (Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre), to produce energy for use by the Community Hall on each island.

What has happened so far:
  • June 2010: Planning permission was granted for the turbine on Egilsay, by Orkney Islands Council.
  • July 2010: Planning permission was granted for the turbines on Rousay and Wyre, by Orkney Islands Council.
  • August 2010: RSPB approves the installation of the turbine on Egilsay.
  • February 2011: Work commenced on Rousay's turbine on 19 February 2011.
  • April 2011: Rousay's turbine is installed.

What happens next:
  • All three turbines have now been installed, and are generating electricity.

Main Contact(s) for this Project:
  • Community Development Officer (Christina Cox)

Links to relevant Around Rousay news articles:

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