Carbon Neutral Transport
To reduce carbon emissions, by developing: carbon-neutral alternatives to our current
transportation methods; and "trip co-ordination".
What has happened so far:
- April 2009: Community Powerdown Officer, Michelle Koster is appointed by the
Development Trust, on a 2-year contract.
'Community Transport' is identified as one of her main projects.
- January 2010: Bid for funding submitted to the Climate Challenge Fund (a grant
scheme for community groups across Scotland), on 11 January 2010.
- April 2010: The Trust was declared unsuccessful in its attempts to receive funds
from the Climate Challenge Fund. Allocation of funds would have led to the purchase of
an electrically-powered community minibus, and the setting-up of a website to promote
car-sharing for both local and longer distances.
What happens next:
- This project has reached completion.
Links to relevant Around Rousay news articles:
Funding granted for Allotments and Community Garden
Links to Relevant Documents:
Transport Report (comparing Energy, Cost and Emissions of Rousay and Eday, to Kirkwall)
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