Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre Development Trust

The Development Trust aims to oversee a variety of projects designed to ensure the continued development of the islands of Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre.

The Trust is community-owned, and is led by a Board of Directors - a total of 12 members of the community, acting on a volunteer-basis - who dedicate their time and efforts to the Trust. Together, the directors research, prioritise, and undertake projects which arise from ideas and opportunities identified by the people of our community. The Trust exists to benefit the whole community.

Formed legally in 2007, the Development Trust has provided an exciting opportunity for members of the community to get actively involved in challenging projects, which will further progress and enchance our already thriving three-island-group. For example, the Trust has initiated projects ranging from installing community wind turbines, to community gardens and allotments, and community broadband access points, with many more projects to come.

The Trust has set up a wholly-owned trading subsidiary, Rousay Egilsay Wyre Islands Renewable Energy Development Limited (trading as REWIRED Limited), enabling it to make a profit from the development of projects - such as its largest (900kw) turbine project - which can then be reinvested back into the community, i.e. as funding for more projects, as the Trust seeks to ensure that our islands can increase their self-sufficiency, and are able to continually evolve.

The Trust is already able to build on strong foundations, with a growing population of approximately 270 people now residing on our three islands. Many businesses, operating in diverse sectors, are also able to survive and grow locally, with the Trust committed to providing the funds for 'business development' from its projected £2.7 million 'Community Trust Fund' to be generated from the 900kW turbine.

Since its inception, the Trust has created many job opportunities, appointing several members of staff to exciting but challenging positions. In its early years of existance, it has appointed a number of local people, and will continue to do so as new projects develop.

Fundamentally, the Trust is implementing ideas and suggestions that have come from, and will ultimately benefit, the community - i.e. YOU! - so why not get involved?

Anybody from within the community, who is aged 18 years or over, and is eligible to vote in a local government election, can become a member of the Development Trust; it's FREE, quick, and easy - and it's your first step in becoming actively engaged with the Trust. Hopefully, you'll be able to help make a real difference to our islands' future, bringing your valuable ideas to fruition.

To go ahead and become a member, you'll need to complete an application form, which can be downloaded here. Once you have returned your completed form, it can be approved at the next Board Meeting (these are held monthly).

Please note that the pages contained on this section of the Around Rousay website, do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Development Trust as a whole, but are here to inform our community about the Development Trust's ongoing activities and development projects.

The Development Trust has its own, official website: