Rousay - a thriving island in Orkney, with a population of around 205, and home to over 160 archaeological sites. was created in 2007, providing local news & information, and details of local events on this unique Orcadian island.
Together with neighbouring islands Egilsay and Wyre, Rousay is part of a three-island community of approximately 270 people, and the islands are bursting with fun-filled events and
activities. We hope you will find this website useful to find out more about these amazing islands.
Planning a trip to Rousay? We are sure you will enjoy your visit, but to get the most out of your trip, please have a look at our sister site -
- a website dedicated to providing information on sites and facilities for visitors to Rousay.
Here on, we have an abundance of useful, relevant information on this 3-island group, as well as the nearby uninhabited, mythical island of Eynhallow.
Please feel free to browse our website, to learn more about these unique islands, using the menu at the top of this page.
If you have any comments or enquiries, we would be delighted to hear from you.
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